
Daddy, Won't You Please Come Home - Annette Hanshaw

復古音樂。Retro Music:

Annette Hanshaw - "Daddy Wont You Please Come Home" (1929)

在瘋狂的20年代,有一位女士叫Annette Hanshaw,她比任何一位爵士女歌手都要特別。這種特別很難解釋,她是當時的非主流。有些無形的東西是能感覺到的,例如一個人獨特的性格,獨特的底藴,是可以透過歌聲所體會到的 -儘管,這首曲子離我們有差不多一個世紀的時間。她的“簽名”便是在每首曲子的結尾都會說一句“That's all!"。每一張唱片錄音的每一首歌都有。

During the roaring 20s, there was lady named Annette Hanshaw, she was a special jazz singer. This speciality is very hard to explain, she was not the mainstream for certain. Sometimes, the invisible phenomenon is available as transcendental, such as someone's personality, or her spirit - we can feel them through their singing. Although this song is now almost a century away from us. She has a signature, which is she'd say "That's all" every time at the end of every song.

